In this work we evaluated the texture of processed cheese and processed products. The products we have retained as it is assumed that they kept and used by ordinary consumers. This means that the product purchased certain period has elapsed, we included in our test conditions. Texture analysis help provide the basic methods and explaining procedures for analysis, also provide for the initiation of new types of tests or review new products and therefore be dealt with differences in the products according to specific requirements. Sensory panels also play an important role in the evaluation of food products, but the use of texture analyzer eliminates human error and tests carried out are consistent and accurate. Analysis of texture help manufacturers monitor and analyze the texture characteristics of their products. From the producers can modify the product key factors such as characteristics of the milk into cheese and can also modify manufacturing processes to the functional properties of cheese. Fulfilling the basic requirements to maintain their properties and cheese functionality.Keywords: analysis, cheese, properties, texture Abstrakt V práci sme hodnotili textúru tavených syrov a tavených výrobkov. Výrobky sme mali uchované tak, ako sa predpokladá, že ich uchovávajú a používajú bežní spotrebitelia. To znamená, že od zakúpenia výrobkov uplynie istá doba, ktorú sme zahrnuli do našich podmienok testovania. Analýzy textúry pomáhajú pri poskytovaní 250