The objective of this cross-sectional study was to analyze therapeutic communication techniques used by health workers with patients under care for diabetes mellitus. Data were collected in 2010 in a public facility in the interior of Ceará, Brazil using video camera equipment and direct observation. Results showed that the most frequently used techniques within the "expression" group were: asking questions, voicing interest, and using descriptive phrases. The most frequently used technique within the "clarification" group was: asking the patient to specify the agent of action. Finally, in regard to the "validation" group, only the technique "summarizing content of the interaction" was employed. The conclusion is that despite the use of communication techniques on the part of professionals, there is still an alarming gap concerning communication skills. Such skills should be allied with technical expertise to enable the delivery of qualified care to individuals with diabetes mellitus.
La comunicación terapéutica entre profesionales y pacientes en la atención en diabetes mellitusEste estudio transversal tuvo como objetivo analizar las técnicas de comunicación terapéutica entre profesionales y pacientes en la atención en diabetes mellitus. Los datos se recogieron en una institución pública de Ceará-Brasil, en 2010, con equipos de video y observación directa. Los resultados mostraron que las técnicas del grupo de expresión más utilizadas fueron: hacer preguntas, expresar interés y usar frases descriptivas. Con relación a las del grupo de clarificación sobresalió solicitar al paciente que necesite el agente de la acción. Con relación a las de validación, apenas se utilizó las de organizar el contenido de la interacción. Se concluye que a pesar del uso de técnicas de comunicación por los profesionales, aun es preocupante la laguna con relación a la habilidad en comunicación, que debe ser aliada a la capacidad técnica, para así propiciar el cuidado calificado a las personas con diabetes mellitus. , as well as for physicians and nurses in primary heath care services (7,(10)(11) . Despite the recognition of the importance of the communication process in the care provided to individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM), studies addressing communication techniques employed in the daily practice of professionals dealing with these patients were not found, which justifies this study. A checklist based on the theoretical framework concerning therapeutic communication strategies (2) along with a field diary and filming equipment were used to collect data. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2012 July-Aug.;20(4):685-92.
ResultsThe results described as follows were obtained through observation and the filming of consultations provided by health workers to patients with DM.