Energy drives agricultural activities. Apart from direct solar energy used by plants in photosynthesis, gasoline, diesel, electricity and biofuel are used to power equipment used in the processing of produce, storage and transportation of such produce to the market. Efficient use of energy is thus imperative for sustainable production. However, there is no universally accepted definition of energy efficiency. The term 'energy efficiency' generally entails doing more work with less energy while maintaining or increasing the ratio of energy output to energy input. The World Energy Council (2013) defined energy efficiency as a sustainable reduction in energy used for a given service or level of activity. The agriculture sector in South Africa comprises the following: crop and animal husbandry, fisheries and forestry. However, this sector consumes a lower amount of energy compared with the mining and manufacturing sectors. According to Winkler (2005), coal, electricity, liquid petroleum and natural gas are used for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes. Among these forms of energy, electricity is the most used. The manner in which energy resources are harnessed, generated and utilised by different users in the country raises a lot of concerns. The main challenge is that most sectors of the South African economy are inefficient in terms of using energy. This situation leads to increased global, regional and local environmental problems. The relationship between increasing energy demands and the diversification of energy sources in South Africa is a delicate one. If a balance is not reached, South Africa may experience energy insecurity. According to a report by the DoE (2012b), the bulk of energy generated is consumed by the following sectors: industrial and mining (~41%), transport (~27%), households (~20%), commerce (~8%) and agriculture (~3%).
Research methodThis article is a review of literature on energy efficiency legislation in South Africa, commonly known as ISO 50001. An analysis of the extent to which legislation has brought about efficiency in the utilisation of energy in the agricultural sector is done in this study. Information was sourced There are different ways of measuring energy efficiency. Although there is no generally agreed definition of the concept, it should, however, always be approached according to particular circumstances and contexts. As such, technological, operational, performance and equipment efficiencies should be taken into consideration. Generally, energy utilisation in most sectors of the South African economy is inefficient. This requires more energy needs to be generated in order to cater for losses. An increase in generation causes environmental problems at global, regional and local levels. A review of literature on energy efficiency was undertaken and a gap identified between legislation and efficiency in the agricultural sector. This article seeks to suggest ways of implementing an energy legislation in this sector in South Africa. Such implementation will address con...