High-throughput technologies present immense opportunities to characterize brain cancer biology at a systems level. However, proteomic studies of brain cancers are still relatively scarce. Here we discuss the latest proteomic technologies, their application to profiling and quantitation of brain proteomes and how we expect these technologies will be applied to study brain cancer proteomes in the future. Mass spectrometry based proteomics with increased specificity, coverage and throughput will be pervasive in proteomics investigations of brain. Generated data needs to be captured by the curation of databases, and application of creative data analysis strategies is needed to provide meaningful insights into brain functions and associated pathologies. Overall, proteomics applications to brain cancers are in the earliest stages and the expanded use of these technologies holds enormous potential to improve our understanding of brain functions and pathologies. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 15: 10.1074/mcp.R115.053884, 362-367, 2016.