The following structures were observed in electron micrographs of the mouse spinal ganglion cells: Nissl bodies composed of both aggregated rough-type, largely oriented, membranes of the endoplasmic retieulum and discrete particles; short rodlike mitochondria with well-developed transverse, obliquely or longitudinally arranged eristae, and a relatively typical Golgi complex. The components of ultracentrifuged ganglion cells (400,000 times gravity for 20 minutes) are stratified, the layers appearing in the order of their decreasing density as follows: (1) A microsomal or ergastoplasmic layer which may be further divided into three sublayers without sharp boundaries, namely, a discrete particle layer, a layer of discrete particles and highly distorted membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, and a layer composed of relatively intact, but stretched membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and discrete particles. (2) Mitochondria constitute a relatively broad layer. They are sometimes stretched; however, they retain most of their fine structure. The stratified nucleus is found within the mitochondrial layer. (3) A relatively wide layer of tightly packed vesicles. (4) At the centripetal end, resting against the cell membrane, are a few lipid vacuoles. A comparison is made between the ultrastructure of the stratified layers in situ and those described by others in differentially uhracentrifuged homogenates.Experiments utilizing sufficiently high centrifugal force to cause displacement and stratification of the microscopically visible contents of cells (eggs) were first made by Gurwitsch (21). This study and those which followed (cf. 39) demonstrated that the displaced components and inclusions were stratified in the order of their relative densities, a condition which did not markedly injure the egg or interfere with its normal development. The experiments of Harvey (26) further demonstrated that stratified Arbacia eggs may be pulled into nearly equal halves and the halves into quarters, each of which when fertilized develop into normal plutei, indicating that none of the formed elements is essential to early development in this form (27). In addition, the centrifuge has been used in the study of "specific organ forming substance," "surface active substance," polarity and bilaterality, viscosity, and the distribution of enzymes (cf. 3, 27, 29, 32). The experiments on the distribution of enzymes in cells, utilizing both centrifugation and histochemistry, were not sufficiently specific, except in a relatively few instances, to link given enzymes or their precursors to specific morphological components Although these studies were limited to cells of relatively