To support a multi-laboratory Methodology, Evaluation, Testing, and Analysis (M.E.T.A.) cladding properties database, Oak Ridge National Laboratory's (ORNL's) cladding mechanical test geometries were manufactured from several nuclear-relevant cladding alloys and subsequently tested. These geometries were developed as mechanical test specimens to evaluate the properties of tube materials that may be used for irradiation testing at ORNL's High Flux Isotope Reactor. They may also be used as test articles to be harvested-via in-cell machining-from commercially irradiated fuel rods and later tested. This report explores the differences among axial, hoop, and SSJ tensile geometries with partially recrystallized Zircaloy-2 to test ORNL correlation-based methods on a plate material that approximates, to the greatest extent possible, the characteristics of nuclear industry tubing. Furthermore, several tests were conducted with ORNL's Zircaloy-4 tube inventory to (1) develop material properties as a standard for future tests, (2) determine the effect of the US Department of Energy's Advanced Fuels Campaign coating processes on tube mechanical properties, and (3) evaluate the effect of specimen machining methods on the mechanical properties of tube geometries.