Abstract. Carleson showed that the Bergman space for a domain on the plane is trivial if and only if its complement is polar. Here we give a quantitative version of this result. One is the Suita conjecture, established by the first-named author in 2012, the other is an upper bound for the Bergman kernel in terms of logarithmic capacity. We give some other estimates for those quantities as well. We also show that the volume of sublevel sets for the Green function is not convex for all regular non simply connected domains, generalizing a recent example of Fornaess.
IntroductionFor w ∈ Ω, where Ω is a domain in C, Carleson (1)gives a quantitative version of one of the implications. Hereis the logarithmic capacity of C \ Ω with respect to w,is the (negative) Green function,is the Bergman kernel on the diagonal and ||f || = ||f || L 2 (Ω) .Our first result is the following upper bound for the Bergman kernel:2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 30H20, 30C85, 32A36.