When choosing a third-party cloud storage platform, the confidentiality of data should be the primary concern. To address the issue of one-to-many access control during data sharing, it is important to encrypt data with an access policy that enables fine-grained access. The attribute-based encryption scheme can be used for this purpose. Additionally, attribute-based proxy re-encryption (ABPRE) can generate a secret key using the delegatee’s secret key and access policy to re-encrypt the ciphertext, allowing for one-to-many data sharing. However, this scheme still has some flaws, such as low efficiency, inability to update access rules, and private data leakage. To address these issues, we proposed a scheme that combines attribute-based encryption (ABE) and identity-based encryption (IBE) to achieve efficient data sharing and data correctness verification. We also integrated this scheme with blockchain technology to ensure tamper-proof and regulated data storage, addressing issues such as data tampering and lack of supervision on third-party servers. Finally, to demonstrate the security of our scheme, we evaluated the communication overhead and computation overhead. Our results showed that our scheme is more efficient than other schemes and is secure against chosen plaintext attacks with verifiable properties.