Down syndrome (trisomy 21) is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability, but the precise molecular mechanisms underlying impaired cognition remain unclear. Elucidation of these mechanisms has been hindered by the lack of a model system that contains full trisomy of chromosome 21 (Ts21) in a human genome that enables normal gene regulation. To overcome this limitation, we created Ts21-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from two sets of Ts21 human fibroblasts. One of the fibroblast lines had low level mosaicism for Ts21 and yielded Ts21 iPSCs and an isogenic control that is disomic for human chromosome 21 (HSA21). Differentiation of all Ts21 iPSCs yielded similar numbers of neurons expressing markers characteristic of dorsal forebrain neurons that were functionally similar to controls. Expression profiling of Ts21 iPSCs and their neuronal derivatives revealed changes in HSA21 genes consistent with the presence of 50% more genetic material as well as changes in non-HSA21 genes that suggested compensatory responses to oxidative stress. Ts21 neurons displayed reduced synaptic activity, affecting excitatory and inhibitory synapses equally. Thus, Ts21 iPSCs and neurons display unique developmental defects that are consistent with cognitive deficits in individuals with Down syndrome and may enable discovery of the underlying causes of and treatments for this disorder.cerebral cortex | developmental disorders D own syndrome (DS) is the most frequent single cause of human birth defects and intellectual disability (ID) (1). DS is caused by trisomy of chromosome 21 (Ts21) (2), resulting in the triplication of over 400 genes (3-5), which makes elucidation of the precise mechanisms underlying ID in DS a significant challenge. Confounding this difficulty is the relative inaccessibility of human tissue and incomplete human Ts21 in the context of mouse models. Despite these shortcomings, studies using mouse models containing trisomy of parts of syntenic chromosome 21 (HSA21) have put forth several critical hypotheses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying DS features. It is essential, however, to test these hypotheses in human cells with full triplication of HSA21 in a context that allows for normal gene regulation. Here, we used Ts21-induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to test hypotheses of the underlying causes of ID in DS, with specific regard to neuropathophysiology.
ResultsIsogenic Human Ts21 iPSCs. Fibroblasts from two individuals diagnosed with DS were reprogrammed to iPSCs. FISH for HSA21 in one fibroblast line showed mosaicism, where âŒ90% of cells carried Ts21, whereas âŒ10% were euploid (Fig. 1A). Reprogramming of the mosaic fibroblasts by retrovirus (6) resulted in three viable iPSC clones, two clones that carried Ts21 and one euploid (Fig. 1B). Mosaicism in DS individuals is rare, occurring in âŒ1-3% of DS cases (7), but it can also emerge in vitro (8), potentially because of nondisjunction events during cell division.