One of the questions which continually confronts a serious student is "How fast shall I read this assignment?" Various rates are recommended in books on how to study, some advising a rapid first reading followed by a slow perusal of certain parts, others a slow reading followed by more swift repetitions. All suggest that technical material and information which is new must be read more slowly than non-technical and familiar material. It is also pointed out that the method of reading should depend upon the desired results. In some courses numbers of books must be rapidly reviewed while in other courses a single text or manual must be thoroughly memorized. Most courses demand a thorough knowledge of certain "fundamentals" which may be gleaned from skimming some references and reading others intensively.The factors producing successful results in these situations are certainly very numerous and complex. They may for convenience be classified under the following headmgs:1. The degree of visual acuity and endurance 2 The speed of reading responses 3 The recognition of symbols, such as letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc 4. The association of meanings with certain symbols 5 The eduction of relations of similarity, difference, cause, etc. 6 The energy factors, such as dominant trains of thought, mood, desire, muscular tension, etc., which direct attention.