This article describes the cross-cultural validation of the Counselor Burnout Inventory (CBI; Lee, Baker, Cho, Heckathorn, Holland, Newgent, Ogle, Powell, Quinn, Wallace & Yu, 2007) on a sample of professional counselors and psychotherapists in Japan. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to examine the validity of the CBI with three models: a one-factor model, a five-factor model, and a second-order model. The results showed that the five-factor model was a better fit and more parsimonious than both the one-factor model and the second-order factor model. Additionally, the internal consistency reliability for the CBI subscale scores proved equivalent to that found for other populations (e.g. American and Korean). The results suggest that counselor burnout is not a unidimensional construct but a multidimensional construct. Implications and recommendations for future research are provided.