Synchrotron X-radiation (SR) is intense, polychromatic and collimated. It is widely exploited, in macromolecular crystallography, particularly using a monochromatized short wavelength beam. The spectral curve of SR, however, ideally lends itself to use of Laue geometry, i. e. the original diffraction experimental arrangement based on a stationary crystal and a polychromatic X-ray beam. Rapid exposure times and time-resolved crystallography studies, e. g. of enzymes, are now possible. Historical objections to the use of Laue diffraction data, particularly the multiplicity distribution, have been found not to be as limiting as once thought. The credentials of the Laue method have been established through a variety of Laue crystal structure analyses, involving photographic film as detector. Recently a three-dimensional arrangement of films, known as a toast-rack, has been used to alleviate problems with spatially overlapping spots. This paper provides a review of these results and then reports several developments. In particular, one of the first Laue analyses using an image plate as detector, namely of a cobalt substituted concanavalin A crystal, is discussed. Recent experimental developments, also at the Daresbury synchrotron, are then described. First, a large toast-rack has been used to record Laue data from a protein crystal. Secondly, a transmission X-ray mirror has been constructed from thin mylar (1.5 μm) and used to provide a
filter instead of using aluminium foils. Thirdly, since the Laue method suffers from poor sampling of the low resolution data, a new method (known as LOT) has been introduced.