To cite this version:J. Catalão, M.J. Sevilla. Mapping the geoid for Iberia and the Macaronesian Islands using multisensor gravity data and the GRACE geopotential model. Journal of Geodynamics, Elsevier, 2009, 48 (1) This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. Iberia, and the Macaronesian Islands using multi-sensor gravity data and a GRACE derived Earth geopotential model. A high resolution gravity model, determined using least squares optimal interpolation of marine, land, and satellite derived gravity anomalies, was used to resolve the medium and short wavelengths of the geoid. Long wavelengths of the geoid were provided by the GRACE derived Earth geopotential model. The topographic effects were computed in the spectral domain using a high resolution (100 m) digital terrain model derived from SRTM mission data and cartographic charts. The remove-restore technique was used to compute the geoid model on a 1.5 arc minute grid, and the residual geoid height was computed using spherical FFT and a modified Stokes' kernel. The effects of different Earth tide models on the geoid were computed and analyzed.Comparison over the sea with an oceanographic geoid determined from CLS01 MSSH and Rio05MDT yield a relative accuracy of 8 cm, with larger differences close to the shoreline. Over land, comparisons with 1646 GPS/levelling marks indicate an overall precision of 8-10 cm and relative vertical datum offsets of up to 2 m. This new geoid model represents a significant improvement over existing geoid models, with a homogeneous relative accuracy of 8-10 cm over both marine and land areas, and exposes the inaccuracies of local vertical datums as references for studies of vertical deformation.