, Director of Wellcome and Chair of the World Health Organization R&D Blueprint Scientific Advisory Group, has said "It's critical that the global research effort is rapid, robust and is conducted at scale and coordinated across multiple countries. " Of the >2,000 planned drug studies examining COVID-19 treatments (https:// www.covid-trials.org), most have delivered little or no directly useful information 1. Exceptions include two large, adaptive, pragmatic trials, RECOVERY and SOLIDARITY, which combined have randomized >20,000 patients to assess the effects of several treatments on mortality 2 , and the US National Institutes of Health ACTT trial, which randomized 1,059 patients to assess the effect of remdesivir on time to disease resolution 3. The speed of the RECOVERY trial (https://www.recoverytrial.net/files/ recovery-protocol-v7-0-2020-06-18.pdf) was record-breaking: the period from protocol to first patient recruitment was nine days, with the 176 UK hospitals recruiting >12,000 hospitalized patients (15% UK COVID-19 cases), and it provided clear answers within a few months on the effectiveness of dexamethasone 2 and the ineffectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and lopinavirritonavir (Fig. 1). Notably, it sought to achieve reliability and quality by design rather than by compliance with good clinical practice or site monitors, relying instead on centralized computer checks on site behavior and patient compliance, and utilizing central National Health Service medical records of treatment and outcome. Also, it did not necessarily require written consent where the medical emergency rendered this inappropriate. The World Health Organization-led SOLIDARITY trial (https://www.who.int/ emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/global-research-on-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov/solidarity-clinical-trial-for-covid-19-treatments) has recruited >9,000 patients across 30 countries and is currently recruiting about 2,000 patients a month. SOLIDARITY has also provided important evidence on the ineffectiveness of hydroxychloroquine and lopinavirritonavir and is the largest trial examining the effects of remdesivir and interferon on