Little is known about the global topology of the Fatou set U (f) for holomorphic endomorphisms f : CP k → CP k , when k > 1. Classical theory describes U (f) as the complement in CP k of the support of a dynamically defined closed positive (1, 1) current. Given any closed positive (1, 1) current S on CP k , we give a definition of linking number between closed loops in CP k \ supp S and the current S. It has the property that if lk(γ, S) = 0, then γ represents a non-trivial homology element in H1(CP k \ supp S). As an application, we use these linking numbers to establish that many classes of endomorphisms of CP 2 have Fatou components with infinitely generated first homology. For example, we prove that the Fatou set has infinitely generated first homology for any polynomial endomorphism of CP 2 for which the restriction to the line at infinity is hyperbolic and has disconnected Julia set. In addition we show that a polynomial skew product of CP 2 has Fatou set with infinitely generated first homology if some vertical Julia set is disconnected. We then conclude with a section of concrete examples and questions for further study.