The modified Smith predictor is well known as an effective time-delay compensator for a plant with large time-delays, and several papers on the modified Smith predictor have been published. Recently, the parameterization of all stabilizing modified Smith predictors for minimum-phase time-delay plants is obtained by Yamada and Matsushima. In addition, Yamada et al. expanded the result by Yamada and Matsushima and proposed the parameterization of all stabilizing modi¯ed Smith predictors for non-minimum-phase time-delay plants. However, they do not examine a design method for modified Smith predictive control system using the parameterization of all stabilizing modified Smith predictors to achieve desirable control specification. In this paper, we propose a design method for modified Smith predictive control system to attenuate periodic disturbances that often appear real time-delay plants using the parameterization of all stabilizing modified Smith predictors.