DOI: 10.1093/mnrasl/slw171
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A diagnostic for localizing red giant differential rotation

Abstract: We present a simple diagnostic that can be used to constrain the location of the differential rotation in red giants with measured mixed mode rotational splittings. Specifically, in red giants with radii ∼ 4R , the splittings of p-dominated modes (sound wave dominated) relative to those of g-dominated modes (internal gravity wave dominated) are sensitive to how much of the differential rotation resides in the outer convection zone versus the radiative interior of the red giant. An independently measured surfac… Show more

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Cited by 30 publications
(43 citation statements)
References 18 publications
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“…Kissin & Thompson 2015) have argued that asteroseismic data is better fit with uniform rotation in radiative cores and differential rotation in envelopes than the reverse. In our view, the balance of evidence supports the existence of differential rotation in radiative regions of evolved stars (Di Mauro et al 2016;Klion & Quataert 2017) and stars on the upper main sequence (Triana et al 2015). Our models constructed with differential rotation and weak torques are broadly consistent with the observed surface rotation rates, similar to models with enhanced torques and uniform rotation.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 82%
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“…Kissin & Thompson 2015) have argued that asteroseismic data is better fit with uniform rotation in radiative cores and differential rotation in envelopes than the reverse. In our view, the balance of evidence supports the existence of differential rotation in radiative regions of evolved stars (Di Mauro et al 2016;Klion & Quataert 2017) and stars on the upper main sequence (Triana et al 2015). Our models constructed with differential rotation and weak torques are broadly consistent with the observed surface rotation rates, similar to models with enhanced torques and uniform rotation.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 82%
“…We suggest that this model matches all of the core and surface rotation constraints better than any of our limiting cases. However, we caution that this is not a fit to the data, that there is no reason the exponent must be an integer, and that these models do not take into account any differential rotation in the radiative interior, which is seen to occur in first ascent giants (Di Mauro et al 2016;Klion & Quataert 2017;Beck et al 2017) and may also be present in core helium burning stars. Fraction Figure 11.…”
Section: Comparison Of Core Distributionsmentioning
confidence: 98%
“…We compare these results with those obtained by the modelindependent method as implemented by Deheuvels et al (2015) and by Mosser et al (2015) using their expressions for the trapping parameter ζ (Section 6). Additionally, we use the idea proposed recently by Klion & Quataert (2016) that provides a way to localize the differential rotation of a red giant (whether in the radiative core or in the convective envelope of the star), provided that the rotation rate of the envelope is known by other means.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In the case of Kepler-56 (R ∼ 4 R , M ∼ 1.3 M and a convective envelope extending a factor ∼ 3 in radius), a ∼ r −1 convective angular velocity profile is not precluded; but this gradient must be extended all the way down to the burning shell, contradicting the assumption of solid rotation in all radiative layers by Kissin & Thompson (2015a). A recent application of the Klion & Quataert (2017) method to other Kepler giants by Triana et al (2017) did not yield clear results. In this paper, we take a more general approach to rotation in radiative layers by calculating the limiting magnetic torque, as enforced by kinking of the wound up magnetic field (Section 3.3).…”
Section: Inward Pumping Of Angular Momentum Bymentioning
confidence: 95%
“…These scalings are connected to each other at radial shells where Co = 1. Recently Klion & Quataert (2017) investigated core rotation in sub-giant and giant stars (radius ∼ (4−10) R ) during the early part of the first dredge up, where β ∼ 1 and Ω ∼ r −1 is predicted by Equation (4). They considered the relative splittings of pressure-and gravitydominated modes as a probe of the relative rotation rates in the stellar core and envelope.…”
Section: Inward Pumping Of Angular Momentum Bymentioning
confidence: 99%