In 2020, Kato et al. 1 reported results of a 6-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of lurasidone in adults with bipolar depression (BDep). The findings demonstrated that lurasidone 20-60 mg/day (LUR20-60) improved symptoms of depression and anxiety and was generally well-tolerated. Individuals with bipolar disorder(BD)haveabouta12timeshigherratioofsuicidedeathsto suicide attempts than the general population. 2,3 This means that in-dividualswithBDusuallyemploymorelethalsuicidemethodscompared with the general population. 2 Suicidal ideation is also about fivetimesmorefrequentinindividualswithBDthaninthegeneral population. 2,4,5 Thus, early intervention and treatment with medications,alongwithcloseobservationandfollow-upareneededto