scholarships were essential for the realization of this project. To Prof. Dr. Fernando Martini Catalano, for the friendship, support, knowledge and experience shared with me throughout all these years, either as teacher when I was an undergraduate student, either as a supervisor during the execution of the research, or as my supervisor during my teaching internship. To Prof. Dr. José Antônio Garcia Croce, who kindly gave his massive contribution in the implementation and maintenance of the high voltage high frequency AC power supply, without which the experiments of this research could not have been carried out. To the technicians José Claudio Pinto de Azevedo, Mário Sbampato and Osnan Ignacio Faria, for their friendship, solicitude, aid and shared knowledge in the manufacture, assembly, maintenance and operation of the necessary equipment for the experiments. To Gisele Aparecida Poppi Lavadeci, secretary of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, who was always available to assist me with the bureaucracies, printings or just to talk and take a coffee. To the São Carlos School of Engineering Library staff, for checking the typesetting and the referencing style. To my friends and laboratory colleagues, the engineers