An ultrahigh resolution and high-flux undulator beamline U9-CGM, with a cylindrical grating monochromator and covering an energy range from 5 to 100 eV, has been constructed. Two separate entrance slits are included to provide different incident angles, hence to optimize the overall performance. This beamline delivers an average photon flux of 6 ϫ 10 10 photons/ s with the entrance and exit slit openings at 10 m. An energy resolving power of 110 000 with a photon flux of 1 ϫ 10 10 photons/ s was obtained at 16 eV with the 1800 line/ mm grating and at 64 eV with the 1600 line/ mm grating, with the entrance and exit slit openings at 3 and 5 m, respectively. A differentially pumped gas cell is used to attenuate high-order light by up to four orders of magnitude. This beamline will be a powerful tool for research in ultrahigh resolution spectroscopy of atoms, molecules, and condensed matter.