This study examines the use of ungendered third person Chinese pronoun ta in digital first-and-third
person voiced discourses (i.e. small stories). The study asks what implications the script choice ta, as opposed to
gendered 他 ta ‘he’ and 她 ta ‘she’, has for audience design and the facilitation
of character empathy. The study draws on 131 digital texts from celebrity verified accounts on social media platform Sina Weibo in October
2015. From a Discourse Analytical perspective focused on deixis relative to the notion of empathy in storytelling, the study investigates
emergent practices which involve the orthographic manipulation of gender. The study proposes that ta is an interpersonal
resource whose deictic properties as a non-standard spelling are exploited as a property of audience design to facilitate an appeal to
empathy. This facilitation is advanced by the script choice which offers a wider scope of reference, and thus targets a wider audience.