Abstract-Ambient intelligence (AmI) is a new multidisciplinary paradigm rooted in the ideas of Norman 1 and Ubiquitous Computing. AmI fosters novel anthropomorphic human-machine models of interaction. In AmI, technologies are deployed to make computers disappear in the background, while the human user moves into the foreground in complete control of the augmented environment. AmI is a user-centric paradigm, it supports a variety of artificial intelligence methods and works pervasively, nonintrusively, and transparently to aid the user. AmI supports and promotes interdisciplinary research encompassing the technological, scientific and artistic fields creating a virtual support for embedded and distributed intelligence.Index Terms-Ambient intelligence (AmI), artificial intelligence, computer vision, distributed and embedded intelligence.
IN the last decade, we have witnessed a more practical and user-centered implementation of computer science research. Virtual and augmented reality are two examples [16] (originated with [20]). Recent trends will affect our lives profoundly by improving the way we live, our social habits, and how we conduct business. Ambient intelligence (AmI) is a new paradigm that supports the design of the next generation of intelligent systems and introduces novel means of communication between human, machine, and the surrounding environment (man-made objects [32]).AmI [38] provides basic criteria to develop intelligent environments where electronic devices can be so tiny, virtually invisible to us, to disappear into the fabric of our lives [40]. The idea of an environment with pervasive (but not intrusive) computing power was first conceived by Weiser, as he set the grounds for Ubiquitous Computing in the early nineties [44], [45]. In a near future, we could imagine AmI technology assisting the user by autonomously interpreting their intentions. Current technology can already be used to recognize the presence of a person in a private or public space and trigger an automatic response or reaction, for instance, by regulating the temperature and ventilation levels, or transferring phone calls or relaying messages, sorted by urgency or importance precompiled by the user or learnt by observing the user. AmI prototype systems have been implemented and have been tested in controlled conditions [36].An AmI system can be implemented customized to the needs of the user. The basic idea is of a distributed layered architecture enabling ubiquitous communication and an advanced human-machine communication protocol. A wide range of application domains can benefit from AmI research, including AmI puts forward the criteria for the design of intelligent environments; the implementation process of an advanced AmI system is a very complex technological endeavor. Modern Artificial Intelligence has been used and will be used as it offers distributed solutions to complex problems, stressing the importance of modularity (multiagent systems as teams of intelligent units sensing and interacting to solv...