For modeling the lowresolution shape of the dodecameric subunit of Lumbricus terrestris hemoglobin, experimental smallangle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data and ab initio modeling approaches using a genetic algorithm or simulated annealing have been applied. In addition to the use of strict ab initio approaches, procedures which additionally include available structural information concerning symmetry and shape in the form of constraints or templates have been employed to improve the results. Templates for the subunit were preferably derived from SAXS-based models for the native hexagonal bilayer (HBL) complex that were biased by electron microscopic reconstructions. The obtained subunit models were carefully examined by variation of different selection and averaging methods and other checks such as surface renderings of the models. The findings were quantified by prediction of scattering profiles, I(h) and p(r), and structural and hydrodynamic parameters (V , R G , d max , s, D). The best matching models for the subunit were also scrutinized by comparing them to a model derived from currently available crystallographic data. The following results could be obtained: (i) The obtained parameter predictions for the dodecameric subunit are satisfactory, if compared to the SAXS data (consensus model, profiles and molecular parameters) or the results from hydrodynamic studies. (ii) The comparison between solution and crystal data of the dodecameric subunit, however, unequivocally proves a different behavior of the subunit in solution and the crystalline state.