Materials and methods:The immunofluorescent stained cryosections of the skins of dogs with AD having antibodies against CB R, GPR , TRPV , TRPA were semiquantitatively evaluated. The inflammatory cells were identified using antibodies against tryptase (mast cells), ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule (IBA ) (macrophages/DCs), CD (T cells), and calprotectin (neutrophils). The proportions of MCs, macrophages/DCs, T cells, and neutrophils expressing CB R, GPR , TRPV and TRPA were evaluated.
Results:The cells of the inflammatory infiltrate showed immunoreactivity (IR) for all or for some of the cannabinoid and cannabinoid-related receptors studied. In particular, MCs and macrophages/DCs showed CB R-, GPR -, TRPA -, and TRPV -IR; T cells showed CB R-, GPR -and TRPA -IR, and neutrophils expressed GPR -IR. Co-localization studies indicated that CB R-IR was co-expressed with TRPV -, TRPA -, and GPR -IR in di erent cellular elements of the dermis of the AD-dogs.