School gardens are an important space for, not only social interaction among students, but also for learning about environmental issues, the sustainability of productive systems, the appreciation of traditional knowledge in agricultural management, food security, healthy eating habits, and quality of life. In this sense, the agroecological management of gardens can contribute to the production of safe, healthy food without the presence of chemical residues. The present study aimed to characterize school gardens in the public education networks of the state and municipal levels in the Serra Gaúcha region of Brazil, as well as to evaluate aspects related to the management of these gardens, aiming to establish strategies for their conservation and the sustainable management of pests and diseases. The methodology consisted of a qualitative-quantitative research with descriptive purposes conducted through a data survey. For this reason, a semi-structured digital questionnaire was developed and sent to public schools in twenty-four municipalities located in the Serra Gaúcha region, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. After receiving the questionnaires, data analysis and tabulation were performed, and finally, educational materials on agroecological techniques for managing pest insects and diseases were developed based on the identified needs. The obtained data revealed that the majority of schools were located in urban areas, predominantly serving elementary school students during the daytime and being part of the state education network. Furthermore, most schools lacked guidance from qualified professionals and had limitations regarding agroecological management of school gardens. Therefore, four educational brochures were developed and made available to elementary school students with the aim of sparking interest in sustainability and agroecology topics, while simultaneously promoting a greater appreciation of school gardens.