Brazil. Scholarship holder from Conselho Nacional deDesenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq).Objectives: accomplishment of the transcultural adaptation of the Parent-adolescent Communication Scale, which evaluates the frequency of communication between parents and children concerning the subjects related to sex, condom, DST, HIV and pregnancy. Method:Methodological research of quantitative approach, accomplished with 313 adolescent pupils of the feminine sex in the 14 to 18 year age group in Fortaleza-CE. The content validity was carried through by means of the initial translation, back translation, pre-final version and final version, being analyzed by a committee of specialists; the reliability was verified by the Cronbach's Alpha and ascertained by testing the hypotheses and test-retest within five weeks.The scale was applied via computer in the online modality in the period November/2010 to January/2011. Results: The version of the instrument in Portuguese presented an Alpha of 0.86 regarding the validity of the structure, was partially verified since the testing of the hypotheses of the contracted group was not confirmed. Conclusion: The version of the instrument adapted for Portuguese is considered valid and reliable in the study sample. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem 2013 July-Aug.;21(4):851-9.
IntroductionAs for the feminine gender, since the emergence of the first AIDS cases in the worldwide epidemiologist scenario, the prevention of the HIV transmission among women has been one of the biggest challenges in the control of the disease. This and other questions cause the prominence of the vulnerability of the woman, specifically of the adolescent in relation to the infections through sexually transmissible diseases (STD), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and pregnancy, which reecho negatively in the life quality of his group (1) .From the relations that surround the adolescent, the family where that adolescent is inserted plays a basic role in the way how the adolescent grows up, including how that adolescent will interrelate with the future sexual partners. Thus, the family unit has, throughout the years, suffered transformations, mainly in the way of transmitting values on subjects connected to STD/HIV (2) .For the nursing, the family health has become focus of the care in the scope of the work process in health, and this implies the necessity to elaborate educational and care technologies that facilitate this relation, either by means of visits at home, in the school environment, or even during the nursing consultation. (4) how to protect oneself from the AIDS virus, and (5) how to protect oneself from pregnancy.In light of the disclosed, the study aims at translating, validating and applying the PACS in Fortaleza, given that this is today in the state Ceará the city which most concentrates HIV cases among adolescents of the feminine gender. Facing the evidences proceeding from studies in the area of STD/AIDS prevention and development of instruments/scales it is perceivable that studies which co...