Human identification and monitoring are critical in many applications, such as surveillance, evacuation planning. Human identification and monitoring are not an easy task in the case of a large and densely populated crowd. However, none of the existing solutions consider seamless localization, identification, and tracking of the crowd for surveillance in both indoor and outdoor environments with significant accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel and real-time surveillance system (named, SmartISS) which identifies, tracks and monitors individuals' wireless equipment(s) using their MAC ids. Our trackers/sensing units (PSUs) are the portable entities comprising of Smartphone/Jetson-TK1/PC which are enough to capture users' devices probe requests and locations without users' active cooperation. PSUs upload collected traces on the cloud server periodically where cloud server keeps finding the suspicious person(s). To retrieve the updated information, we propose an algorithm (named, LLTR) to select the optimal number of PSUs for finding the latest location(s) of the suspicious person(s). To validate and to show the usability of SmartISS, we develop a real prototype testbed and evaluate it extensively on a real-world dataset of 117,121 traces collected during the technical festival held at IIT Roorkee, India. SmartISS selects PSUs with an average selection accuracy of 95.3%.