“…As expected, some typical RSNs reported by many previous researches Damoiseaux et al, 2006;Schöpf et al, 2010; A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t 38 Wang et al, 2012aWang et al, , 2013 were successfully discovered such as VIN (a predominantly occipital network, Fig.11A), LVN (a lateral visual network involving the lateral and superior occipital gyrus, Fig.11B), DMN (a default mode network involving primarily precuneus and prefrontal lobe and parietal regions, Fig.11C), AUN (a network involving the auditory regions, Fig.11D), ECN (an executive control network including superior and middle prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate and paracingulate gyri, Fig.11E), DPN1 and DPN2 (networks mainly involving dorsal parietal cortex, In addition, Fig. 11K depicted a network including the superior temporal (BA 22) and…”