Abstract. This paper extends the work of Li and Graham [1998] to deal with the unconditional moments of head, velocity, and concentration under transient flow conditions, which are assumed to be caused by a spatiotemporally random recharge. Semianalytical solutions are derived for the unconditional covariances for transient velocity with a constant mean recharge using a Fourier transform approach. Results demonstrate that the velocity covariance derived for the steady state random recharge field is a limiting case of the spatiotemporally variable velocity covariance with an infinite temporal correlation scale. Another limiting case indicates that introduction of temporally random but spatially uniform recharge has no effect on the velocity covariances (over that induced by the mean recharge on the mean head gradient). Thus for this limiting case there is no increased effect on the ensemble mean concentration plume spreading or the concentration prediction uncertainty. Following Deng et al. [1993], the equations for mean concentration and macrodispersive flux under zero mean transient recharge are decoupled in the Laplace-Fourier domain and solved using a fast Fourier transform algorithm, which significantly reduces the computational demand. The first-order concentration variance is solved using three different approximate techniques: an approximate fast Fourier transform technique, a finite element method, and a direct numerical integration. The simulation results show that introduction of a spatiotemporally random recharge enhances both longitudinal and lateral mean concentration plume spreading compared to the no recharge case. However, transient recharge produces less spreading and less concentration prediction uncertainty than the steady state spatially random recharge case. Hydraulic conductivity heterogeneity generates variability in hydraulic head and pore water velocity and thus results in solute transport prediction uncertainty. Temporal and spatial fluctuations in recharge or discharge impact the magnitude and direction of the head gradient and thus increase the variability in pore water velocity resulting in increased solute transport prediction uncertainty. Li and Graham [1998] examined the impact of steady state spatially random recharge on the predictions of flow and transport in a two-dimensional aquifer. They derived closed-form expressions for the unconditional, nonstationary autocovariances for head and velocity and the cross covariances between velocity, head, recharge, and log transmissivity based on a system of coupled first-order partial differential moment equations. These equations were then used to solve approximate unconditional moment equations for a concentration plume in a two-dimensional spatially random transmissivity field subject to spatially random recharge and nonuniform (linear trending) velocity using a finite element algorithm. The results showed that a constant positive mean recharge yields a mean velocity gradient which enhances the ensemble mean plume spreading in the lo...