Alcohol tends to disrupt the organs function of human body, even can cause serious and chronic damage. In Indonesia, the data on cell damage taken from organs including the livers and kidneys among alcoholics are still practically unknown. The aim of this study was to compare the differences of organs' cell disturbance between alcoholics and non-alcoholics in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A crosssectional study was conducted among 197 people in Yogyakarta, including 96 alcoholics and 101 non-alcoholics. The material of the study was taken from venous blood samples. A kinetic photometric test was conducted to obtain data on blood-chemical markers' value of livers (SGOT, SGPT, and GGT), and kidneys (BUN and serum creatinine). The data werethen analyzed by Chi square test.From a total of 96 alcoholics, 83.6% are males and 16.4% are females who consumed alcohol for an average of 16 years, with 51.6% routinely consuming it daily. The kind of alcohol they consumed was singlebrand (59.8%). Based on 25 th percentile (GGT), on 50 th percentile (SGOT, GGT), and on 75 th percentile (SGPT, GGT), the alcoholics had higher proportion value of liver marker disturbance than non-alcoholics which was statistically significant (p<0.05). Based on the 50 th and 75 th percentiles, the alcoholics also had higher proportion value on kidney marker (BUN) damage than non-alcoholics which was statistically significant (p<0.05). There were significant differences in GFR values between males and females (p<0.05), males had kidney cell damage 7.9 times more than females. There was no significant difference in the value of GFR between alcoholics and nonalcoholics. In conclusion, the alcoholics hassignificantly higher proportion value of blood-chemical markers than that non-alcoholics. The GFR values between males and females are also significantly different, and males had kidney cell damage 7.9 times more than that of females. ABSTRAK Alkohol dapat merusak fungsi organ tubuh manusia, bahkan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan serius dan kronik. Di Indonesia, data kerusakan sel yang diambil dari organ hati dan ginjal pada alkoholik tidak diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membandingkan perbedaan gangguan sel pada organ antara alkoholik dan nonalkoholik di Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Studi potong lintang dilakukan pada 197 orang di Yogyakarta, terdiri dari 96 alkoholik dan 101 non-alkoholik. Material diambil dari sampel darah vena. Tes fotometrik kinetik dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data nilai penanda kimia darah pada hati (SGOT, SGPT, dan GGT), dan ginjal (BUN dan kreatinin serum). Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi square.Dari total 96 alkoholik, 83,6% adalah laki-laki dan 16,4% adalah perempuan, yang rata-rata mengkonsumsi alkohol selama 16 tahun, dan 51,6% rutin mengkonsumsi tiap hari. Macam alkohol yang dikonsumsi adalah satu merk (59,8%). Berdasar 25 persentil (GGT), 50persentil (SGOT, GGT), dan 75 persentil (SGPT, GGT), alkoholik mempunyai proporsi yang lebih tinggi dan bermakna secara statistik terhadap gangguan nilai penanda hepar dibandingkan...