Accurate crop insect pest identification in fields is useful to control pests and beneficial to agricultural yield and quality. However, it is a difficult and challenging problem due to the crop insect pests being small with various sizes, postures, shapes, and disorganized backgrounds. Multi-scale convolution-capsule network (MSCCN) is constructed for crop insect pest identification. It consists of a multi-scale convolution module, capsule network (CapsNet) module, and SoftMax classification module. Multi-scale convolution is used to extract the multi-scale discriminative features, CapsNet is employed to encode the hierarchical structure of the size-variant insect pests in the crop images, and Softmax is adopted for insect pest identification. MSCCN combines the advantages of convolutional neural network (CNN), CapsNet, and multi-scale CNN, and can learn multi-scale robust features from pest images of different shapes and sizes for pest recognition and identify various morphed pests. Experimental results on the crop pest image dataset show that this method has a good recognition rate of 91.4%.