Variable-Angle Tow (VAT) laminates can improve straight fiber composites’ mechanical properties thanks to the application of curvilinear fibers. This characteristic allows one to achieve ambitious objectives for design and performance purposes. Nevertheless, the wider design space and the higher number of parameters result in a more complex structural problem. Among the various approaches that have been used for VAT study, Carrera’s Unified Formulation (CUF) allows one to obtain multiple theories within the same framework, guaranteeing a good compromise between the results’ accuracy and the computational cost. In this article, the linear buckling behavior of VAT laminates is analyzed through the extension of CUF 2D plate models within Reissner’s Mixed Variational Theorem (RMVT). The results show that RMVT can better approximate the prebuckling nonuniform stress field of the plate when compared to standard approaches, thus improving the prediction of the linear buckling loads of VAT composites.