Overheating in school buildings can negatively affect the cognitive learning performance of particularly young students whose thermoregulation systems are still developing. However, currently, in schools, issues related to overheating have been addressed by limiting the exposure time to thermal discomfort. In this paper, the development of a general procedure that combines building and bioheat simulations to evaluate overheating risk in schools and generate health-based overheating limit criteria that may be applied in Canadian schools is described. General school building models, having either old or new constructions, were created based on a primary school building and successfully calibrated using field measurements of indoor temperature and humidity and published building energy use intensity data. Three sets of two limit criteria (exposure duration and severity of overheating) that account for the personal exposure conditions of students in primary, middle, and secondary schools were developed by limiting the body dehydration of students during extreme overheating events. Comparing the proposed limit criteria with the hour of exceedance criterion revealed interesting relationships between them, suggesting the proposed limit criteria as a benchmark for the comfort-based criteria, particularly for the more vulnerable primary and middle schools. The proposed procedure with the obtained overheating limit criteria is intended to be applied in any field or simulation study to assess the risk of overheating in similar school buildings under any local prevailing climate.