This article reports a proposed approach to a frictional resistance description in sheet metal forming processes that enables the determination of the friction coefficient value under a wide range of friction conditions, without performing timeconsuming experiments. The motivation for this proposal is the fact that there exists a considerable amount of factors that affect the friction coefficient value and as a result building analytical friction model for specified process conditions is practically impossible. In this proposed approach, a mathematical model of friction behaviour is created using multiple regression analysis and artificial neural networks. The regression analysis was performed using a subroutine in MATLAB programming code and STATISTICA Neural Networks was utilized to build an artificial neural networks model. The effect of different training strategies on the quality of neural networks was studied. As input variables for regression model and training of radial basis function networks, generalized regression neural networks and multilayer networks, the results of strip drawing friction test were utilized. Four kinds of Al-Mg alloy sheets were used as a test material.