The problems of congestion and queuing in Makassar city generally occur at the intersection. One of the intersections in Makassar City that experienced the problem is St. Dr. Ratulangi -St. Lanto Dg. Pasewang -St. Kasuawri. This study was conducted to analyze the junction of the berignal by the method Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI1997), it is necessary to review the characteristics and composition of the traffic so that it can be calculated the level of saturation and service level of each approach at the intersection, as well as the amount of delay that occurs. The data used for the analysis is obtained by primary data collection and secondary data collection in accordance with the needs of the research. Data analysis begins with the secermination of field conditions, traffic flow, capacity and degree of saturation, and traffic behavior.The maximum saturation value (DS) for each approach is the SOUTH DRAFT. Ratulangi of 1.071259 WEST approach of Street Kasuawri equal to 0,74914776, NORTH approach of St. Dr. Ratulangi of 1.112907, and EASTERN approach
of St. Lanto Dg. Passing for 1.11291. Traffic performance / Level Of Service (LOS) is obtained by looking at the Average Pausage value. From the analysis result got average delay of intersection that is 82,407 sec / Vehicle to get Level of Service that is LOSE.