as inductors. C L represents the loading capacitance resulting from the gap between the two microstrip open-ends. C p represents the capacitance between the microstrip and the ground. The equivalent circuit exhibits an elliptic lowpass characteristic. We simulate the proposed lowpass filter using Ensemble by ANSOFT. Low insertion loss in the passband, sharp and wide rejection in the stopband, and compact size are realized.
MEASURED RESULTSAn experimental lowpass filter was designed, fabricated, and tested. The filter was fabricated on substrate with relative dielectric constant r ϭ 9.6 and thickness of 0.8 mm. The dimensions of the proposed lowpass filter are shown as follows: a ϭ 1 mm, w 1 ϭ w 3 ϭ 0.2 mm, w 2 ϭ 2 mm, s ϭ 0.2 mm, and w ϭ 0.76 mm and l ϭ 3 mm are the width and length of feed line with 50⍀, respectively. Figure 3 shows the simulated and measured results. The filter has a 3-dB passband from DC to 1.65 GHz. The insertion loss is better than 0.68 dB from DC to 1.35 GHz. The stopband rejection levels are larger than 20 dB from 2.25 to 3.45 GHz. Two attenuation poles are realized at 2.5 and 3.25 GHz. The 2 nd harmonic resonant frequency is at 3.98 GHz. The size of the proposed lowpass filter is 8.6 ϫ 4.96 mm. As can be seen from Figure 3, the simulated results nearly agree with the measured results. However, some discrepancy between them can still be observed, which can be attributed to the unexpected tolerance of fabrication.
CONCLUSIONA novel compact microstrip lowpass filter using a meander openloop resonator has been proposed. The advantages of compact size, low insertion loss in the passband, wide stopband, and sharp rejection in the stopband have been verified by simulation and experiment. Without any lumped element, the lowpass filter can be easily fabricated with good repeatability. The lowpass filter is desirable in many microwave-system applications due to its compact size and high performance.