To design and analyse integrated modular avionics (IMA) architectures, this paper presents a model-based process with separation of concerns going from the business view to the scheduling analysis view. A pivot meta-model dedicated to schedulability analysis has been extended to support recent and new systems architectures as well as new analysis methods. This pivot meta-model represents the front-end of a design framework filling the gap between the system architect and the schedulability analysis expert. This is presented in this paper by showing how the design framework is used to handle IMA architecture, and how simple plugins were developed and connected to the framework. The plugins propose hierarchical schedulability analysis, as well as end-to-end response-time analysis for network architecture. This research is illustrated by discussing a case study. (2017) 'A model-based process for the modelling and the analysis of avionic architectures', Int. is an AssociateProfessor at ISAE-ENSMA. He received his PhD in 2011. His research focuses on real-time analysis of avionic networks. Frédéric Ridouard is an Associate Professor at the University of Poitiers. His research focuses on real-time scheduling of distributed systems. Pascal Richard is a Full Professor of Poitiers University. His research interests include the design of uniprocessor architectures as well as multiprocessor architectures, the algorithm's complexity and combinatory optimisation. Michaël Richard is an Associate Professor. His research interests are focused on the design and the schedulability analysis of real-time systems.This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled 'Extension and utilization of a design framework to model integrated modular avionic architecture' presented at 5th International Conference of Model and Data Engineering, Rhodes, Greece, 26-28 September 2015.