The cytoskeletal protein actin is highly abundant and conserved in eukaryotic cells. It occurs in two different states-the globular (G-actin) form, which can polymerise into the filamentous (F-actin) form, fulfilling various critical functions including cytokinesis, cargo trafficking and cellular motility. In higher eukaryotes, there are several actin isoforms with nearly identical amino acid sequences. Despite the high level of amino acid identity, they display regulated expression patterns and unique non-redundant roles. The number of actin isoforms together with conserved sequences may reflect the selective pressure exerted by scores of actin binding proteins (ABPs) in higher eukaryotes. In contrast, in many protozoans such as apicomplexan parasites which possess only a few ABPs, the regulatory control of actin and its multiple functions are still obscure. Here, we provide a summary of the regulation and biological functions of actin in higher eukaryotes and compare it with the current knowledge in apicomplexans. We discuss future experiments that will help us understand the multiple, critical roles of this fascinating system in apicomplexans.
| ACTIN IN MOST EUKARYOTESActin is one of the most abundant proteins in eukaryotic cells and owing to its ability to polymerise into filaments (F-Actin) forming static or highly dynamic networks, plays an important function in many crucial cellular processes. The regulated dynamics of F-actin and crosslinking of individual filaments requires the integration of actin binding proteins (ABPs) with signalling cascades that ultimately regulate actin filament length, stability and anchorage (Hansen & Kwiatkowski, 2013). This control can be achieved at multiple levels, from direct binding of ABPs to post-translational modifications of actin and are based on influencing the basic polymerisation mechanism of this molecule (Dominguez & Holmes, 2011).The atomic structure of monomeric G-actin was first described in 1990. With a molecular weight of 42 kDa (Pollard, 2016