The reactions of nitric oxide (NO) with fully oxidized cytochrome c oxidase (O) and the intermediates P and F have been investigated by optical spectroscopy, using both static and kinetic methods. The reaction of NO with O leads to a rapid (ϳ100 s ؊1 ) electron ejection from the binuclear center to cytochrome a and Cu A . The reaction with the intermediates P and F leads to the depletion of these species in slower reactions, yielding the fully oxidized enzyme. The fastest optical change, however, takes place within the dead time of the stopped-flow apparatus (ϳ1 ms), and corresponds to the formation of the F intermediate (580 Cytochrome c oxidase (ferrocytochrome c oxidoreductase, EC, the terminal enzyme in the mitochondrial respiratory chain, catalyzes the reduction of molecular oxygen to water (1). This process is coupled to proton translocation across the inner membrane. The enzyme contains four redox-active centers. Electron entry from cytochrome c, the natural substrate, occurs via a diatomic copper center, Cu A . After rapid equilibrium with Fe a , 1 the electron is transferred to Cu B and Fe a3 , which together constitute the binuclear center, where oxygen is reduced.Although oxygen binds with low affinity (10 3 M Ϫ1 ) (2) to reduced Fe a3 , rapid electron transfer from the two reduced metals comprising the binuclear center to molecular oxygen ensures that oxygen remains bound as a peroxy species. In this way, oxygen is kinetically trapped and further reduction can take place (3, 4). The successive steps leading to the formation of water have been studied by different spectroscopic techniques (see Ref. 5 for review). The spectral signatures of two of these intermediates, which exhibit bands at 607 and 580 nm in the difference spectrum with respect to the oxidized enzyme, were first reported by Wikström (6), by reversing the electron transfer reaction, and further characterized by Wikström and Morgan (7). These authors assigned the spectral signatures at 607 and 580 nm to a ferric peroxy (P) and ferryl oxo (F) species, respectively. These assignments, however, have been challenged by a number of authors (8 -10). For example, Resonance Raman results obtained by Proshlyakov et al. (10) suggest that the 607 nm band originates from an oxoferryl structure. On the other hand, the same authors have been unable to identify the putative peroxy species in their system in turnover sustained by H 2 O 2 (11). However, irrespective of the assignments, there seems to exist a general agreement that compound F (580 nm) is a ferryl oxo species and that it is one electron more reduced than compound P (607 nm) (11,12).One of the ways to solve the problem of the identity of the P intermediate could perhaps be through the use of a suitable probe. The possibility that nitric oxide (NO), a powerful reversible inhibitor of cytochrome c oxidase (13-15), can be used as a probe for the binuclear center has been suggested by recent results using enzyme in slow turnover (16 -18). In these experiments, an electron was ejected...