Given pEN = {1, 2, 3 ... }, as a generalization of the 3x + 1 problem [7], we study the behavior of the sequences s(m) = {mn}n ~ 0' mE Z (the set of the integers), defined by the iterative formulawhere r == m n (mod p) , r E R(p) ={O,I, ... ,p-l}, and a r = t r / p (r r EN), and b r are chosen in such a way that m n E Z for every n. Our aim is to establish when these sequences are divergent, or convergent into a cycle, considering also a fixed point as a cycle. Moreover, the structure of possible cycles is investigated.Definition 1'), it follows that ts. = d s = p for every j. Finally, since S is a g-ergodic set, there exists a cycli~al p~rmutation 1T of S (') R( p) such that g I s can be written in the formwhich is (11) for k = 1. • Remark: If in (11) k > 1, then 1T may not be a cyclical permutation, since the g-ergodic set S may not be a gk-ergodic set (again see Examples 4 and 5).
2.4When a = a(gls) < 1, as in [11, Lemma 1], we have LEMMA 2. For every Sj E SR(p), ifin (1), b s = 0, then put as = as. and k j = 0, while if b Sj -=1= 0, then put a Sj = a Sj + 1/ pk j , k; EN. Then for every b Sj -=1= ° there exists k· E N such that a < a = a Po ••• a Ph -1 < 1. J So 'h-l