We show that the fluctuations of the linear eigenvalue statistics of a non-Hermitian random band matrix of increasing bandwidth bn with a continuous variance profile wν (x) converges to a N (0, σ 2 f (ν)), where ν = limn→∞(2bn/n) ∈ [0, 1] and f is the test function. When ν ∈ (0, 1], we obtain an explicit formula for σ 2 f (ν), which depends on f , and variance profile wν . When ν = 1, the formula is consistent with Rider, and Silverstein ( 2006) [33]. We also independently compute an explicit formula for σ 2 f (0) i.e., when the bandwidth bn grows slower compared to n. In addition, we show that σ 2 f (ν) → σ 2 f (0) as ν ↓ 0.