Using a novel SQUID-based torsional oscillator (TO) technique to achieve increased sensitivity and dynamic range, we studied TO's containing solid 4 He. Below ∼250 mK, the TO resonance frequency f increases and its dissipation D passes through a maximum as first reported by Kim and Chan. To achieve unbiased analysis of such 4 He rotational dynamics, we implemented a new approach based upon (ω, T ). Upon cooling, we found that equilibration times within f (T ) and D(T ) exhibit a complex synchronized ultraslow evolution toward equilibrium indicative of glassy freezing of crystal disorder conformations which strongly influence the rotational dynamics. We explored a more specific χ −1 4 He (ω, τ (T )) with τ (T ) representing a relaxation rate for inertially active microscopic excitations. In such models, the characteristic temperature T * at which df /dT and D pass simultaneously through a maximum occurs when the TO angular frequency ω and the relaxation rate are matched: ωτ (T * ) = 1. Then, by introducing the free inertial decay (FID) technique to solid 4 He TO studies, we carried out a comprehensive map of f (T , V ) and D(T , V ) where V is the maximum TO rim velocity. These data indicated that the same microscopic excitations controlling the TO motions are generated independently by thermal and mechanical stimulation of the crystal. Moreover, a measure for their relaxation times τ (T , V ) diverges smoothly everywhere without exhibiting a critical temperature or velocity, as expected in ωτ = 1 models. Finally, following the observations of Day and Beamish, we showed that the combined temperature-velocity dependence of the TO response is indistinguishable from the combined temperature-strain dependence of the 4 He shear modulus. Together, these observations imply that ultra-slow equilibration of crystal disorder conformations controls the rotational dynamics and, for any given disorder conformation, the anomalous rotational responses of solid 4 He are associated with generation of the same microscopic excitations as those produced by direct shear strain.