A clonal stem cell line, RT4-AC, of the rat peripheral neurotumor RT4 differentiates in culture into morphologically distinct cell types RT4B, RT4-D, and RT4-E (cell type conversion). The multi'tential stem cell type RT4AC and cell type RT4-D produce a glial marker, S100 protein, but RT4-B and RT4-E do not. The stem cells also show a small but significant response to veratridine on voltage-dependent Na+ influx. Cell t es RT4-B and RT4-E show a clear response of voltagedepenJent Na+ influx to veratridine, typical of neuronal cells, whereas cell type RT4-D is completely negative. These results indicate that (i) the stem cell type RT4-AC shows both neuronal and glial properties, (ii) cell types RT4-B and RT4-E have a neuronal property, and (iii) cell type RT4-D has a glial property. Therefore, cell type conversion of stem cell RT4-AC to RT4-B and RT4-E cells seems to result in differentiation towards neuronal cell types, and cell type conversion of RT4-AC to RT4-D results in differentiation towards a glial type in culture.As reported by Imada and Sueoka (1), a clonal cell line designated RT4-AC was derived from a rat peripheral neurotumor, RT4. RT4-AC possesses properties of a stem cell by generating morphologically distinct cell types RT4-B, RT4-D, and RT4-E in culture (cell type conversion). The stem cell type (RT4-AC) and one of the morphologically distinct cell types (RT4-D) produce the nervous system-specific protein S100, which is a characteristic glial protein (2, 3). Its production, however, is completely arrested when the stem cell differentiates into the other two types, RT4-B and RT4-E. Tumorigenicity is also correlated with cell types: cell types RT4-AC and RT4-D are tumorigenic, whereas RT4-B and RT4-E are not (4). Thus, each cell type has a unique set of characteristics, which are consistently found among different isolates of the same cell type.In this study, in addition to further analysis of S100 protein, we have examined a neuronal property (veratridine-stimulated Na+ influx) of (i) several clonal cell lines of the stem cell type (RT4-AC) and (ii) independently isolated clonal cell lines of each derivative cell type, RT4-B, RT4-D, and RT4-E. Veratridine-stimulated Na+ influx is responsible for the initial depolarization phase of the membrane action potential and therefore is a measure of membrane excitability. Excitable membranes are observed in neurons, muscle, and some secretory cells, but not in glial cells. Therefore, among neurocells, membrane excitability may be the most critical difference between neuronal and glial cells.Addition of veratridine strongly stimulates Na+ influx in cell types RT4-B and RT4-E but not in cell type RT4-D, whereas the stem cell type, RT4-AC, has intermediate levels of response without exception. Moreover, in confirmation of our previous results (1), RT4-AC and RT4-D cell lines have S100 protein and RT4-B and RT4-E cell lines do not. We thus conclude that stem cells, RT4-AC, which have both a glial and a neuronal property, Measurement of 22Na+ Influx. For 2...