IEEE 802.11e HCCA reference scheduler guarantees Quality of\ud
Service only for Constant Bit Rate traffic streams, whereas its as-\ud
signment of scheduling parameters (transmission time TXOP and\ud
polling period) is too rigid to serve Variable Bit Rate (VBR) traffic.\ud
This paper presents a new scheduling algorithm, Dynamic TXOP\ud
HCCA (DTH). Its scheduling scheme, integrated with the central-\ud
ized scheduler, uses both a statistical estimation of needed trans-\ud
mission duration and a bandwidth reclaiming mechanism with the\ud
aim of improving the resource management and providing an in-\ud
stantaneous dynamic Transmission Opportunity (TXOP), tailored\ud
to multimedia applications with variable bit rate. Performance evaluation through simulation, confirmed by the scheduling analysis, shows that DTH is suitable to reduce the transmission queues length.\ud
This positively impacts on the delay and on packets drop rate experienced by VBR traffic streams