A 45MHz to 1002MHz direct conversion Universal TV Tuner (UTV) supports world-wide TV broadcast standards, such as ATV (NTSC, PAL, SECAM), DTV (ISDB-T, DVB-T, DVB-T2, ATSC, DTMB, DVB-C/C2), EN55020 etc. The tuner exhibits less than 5.5dB noise figure (NF), >70dB image rejection, +30dBm IIP3, +67dBm IIP2 and harmonic rejection of more than 70dB over the operating frequency range. An integrated PLL with a novel compact integrated loop filter locks a broadband dualtank VCO to a 29MHz reference. The tuner occupies less than 10mm 2 of silicon area in 0.18 m CMOS and consumes around 659mW from 3.3V/2.2V dual supply.