This thesis examines three areas in computability theory. In Chapter 2 we look at certain classes of equivalence relations under computable reducibility. In Chapters 3 and 4 we examine the bounded jump operator and the notion of highness for the bounded jump. In Chapter 5 we look at different ways of effectivizing the properties of a dominant function. In Chapter 2 we will examine the α-c.e. and ∆ 0 2 equivalence relations, for α ≤ ω, under computable reducibility. We investigate questions such as the existence of a universal element of each class, the issue of having an enumeration of the class, as well as structural properties such as upward and downward density of the class. In Chapter 3 we prove that the analogue of Sacks jump inversion for the weak truth-table degrees and the bounded jump does not hold. This contrasts with an earlier result [1] that the analogue of Shoenfield jump inversion does hold. Our result answers a question in [1]. In Chapter 4 we characterize the c.e. sets that are bounded high as those sets that compute the Halting problem with a Turing functional where the use is bounded by an ω-c.e. function. This means that every c.e. bounded high set is already Turing complete, and certainly cannot be low, answering a question in [2]. In Chapter 5 we suggest different ways of strengthening the property of a c.e. set being dominant. We provide separations of these different notions and show that together with bounded highness, these different properties form a proper hierarchy.