Recent developments in military weapons have so increased the possibility of exposure to high intensity radiant thermal energy that the problem of flash burns is attracting considerable attention. In a study of burns of pigs' skin from exploding magnesium, Pearse, Payne, and Hogg' obtained evidence that the flash burn differs from the ordinary moderate temperature burn. Evans,2 on the other hand, found the clinical course of patients burned by exploding magnesium to be similar to that of patients with ordinary burns. Experimental evidence from radiant burns of rat skin, reported from this laboratory, indicates that in many respects contact and radiant thermal burns are similar, the chief difference being a possible increase in edema at the margins and base of the more slowly produced contact burn.3" It seems likely that if differences between radiant and contact burns exist, they are functions of the tissue temperatures attained and of the duration of temperature elevation, and are not related to any unique properties associated with the manner of delivery of energy. This concept requires modification if the radiant energy concerned has a large component at wave lengths which initiate specific photochemical reactions.In this investigation burns were produced by high intensity radiant thermal energy and by contact with hot water. The median effective radiant energy, EC50, and the median effective water temperature, ETw, for the production of blistering on either or both sides of the ear of a rat were determined for various durations of exposure. Following evaluation of EC50 and ETw, subcutaneous temperatures were measured at or near these values for exposure times of i.o, 4.o, and 8.o seconds.
METHODSA modified Navy 36 inch carbon arc searchlight was used as the thermal radiation source.3 More than 95 per cent of the energy from this source was between 35oo A and 25000 A. Exposures were made through an aperture i cm. in diameter, placed at the focus of a paraboloid mirror which intercepted the nearly parallel rays of the search-