The neutron total cross section from about 1 kev to 450 kev shows the presence of sixty-six peaks, seven of which are of the s-wave variety. Thirteen resonances are attributable to J=0, twenty-one to /=1, eighteen to J = 2, ten to / = 3, and three to 7=4. This distribution is in agreement with the theoretical distribution for a value of 2CT S=2O-2 = 6. The density of all levels for this energy interval is 146 Mev" 1 and the average level spacing of the nucleons is 0.48 Mev. The neutron widths vary from 1 to 7 kev and the distribution of the reduced widths appears to agree with an exponential distribution and is also in fair agreement with the Porter-Thomas distribution. The level spacings also agree with an exponential distribution. As obtained from the reduced widths averaged over both values of /, the value of the strength function for 1=0 is 0.05, averaged over all values of / for /= 1 it is 0.49, and for 1 -2 it is too large in comparison with the ^-wave strength function. The particularly low value of the cross section below 30 kev and the shape of the wings of the 35-kev resonance can be explained by a multiple-level computation of the interference of the s-wave levels. On the basis of the results of the present analyses, the levels are about equally divided between the odd and even values of /. 7 Roher, Newson, Gibbons, and Cap, Phys. Rev. 95, 302(A) (1954).