The Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) Cry
proteins are widely used in insect pest control.
Despite their economic benefits, remaining concerns over potential
ecological and health risks warrant their ongoing surveillance. Affinity
reagents, most often antibodies, protein scaffolds, and aptamers,
are the traditional tools used for protein binding and detection.
We report a synthetic antibody (SA) alternative to traditional biological
affinity reagents for binding Bt Cry proteins. Analysis
of hotspots of the Bt Cry protein–insect midgut
cadherin-like receptor complexes was used for the design of the SA.
The SA was selected from a small focused library of hydrogel copolymers
containing functional monomers complementary to key exposed hotspots
of Bt Cry proteins. A directed chemical evolution
identified a SA, APhe-NP23, with affinity
and selectivity for Bt Cry1Ab/Ac proteins. The putative
intermolecular polymer–protein interfaces were identified by
the SA’s uptake of Bt Cry1Ac pepsin hydrolysates,
binding epitope mutation studies, and protein–protein inhibition
studies of the toxin binding to its native insect receptor binding
domains. The SA inhibitor binds to the same protein domains as the
insect’s cadherin-like receptors, Bt-R1 and SeCad1b.
The SA binds rapidly to Bt Cry1Ab/Ac with high capacity,
is pH-responsive, and is synthesized reproducibly. We believe that
a hotspot-directed approach is general for creation of abiotic protein
affinity reagents that target functional protein domains. Affinity
ligands are typically high-information content biologicals. Their
structure and function are determined from their amino acid or oligo
sequence. In contract, the SA described in this work is
a statistical copolymer that lacks sequence specificity. These results
are an important contribution to the concept that randomness and biospecificity
are not mutually exclusive.