Acid phosphatases (EC are widely distributed in nature and often occur in multiple forms differing in molecular sizes, localization within the cell, substrate specificity and sensitivity to inhibitors. 1) In animals its biological role is not yet clear but it is involved in many biological systems which are linked to energy metabolism, metabolic regulation and cellular signal transduction path ways.
2)Mammalian liver contains two acid phosphatase forms (molecular weight 90-107 kDa and 14-30 kDa) and these can be separated by gel chromatography on Sephadex G-75. [3][4][5][6] The effects of inhibitors, substrates and kinetic parameters also distinguish between the enzymes. 7-9) The acid phosphatase (molecular weight 107 kDa) purified from human liver to homogeneity had been extensively characterized. 5,8) The enzymes from liver of carp, catfish and frog had also been purified [10][11][12] and found to be glycoprotein in nature. Previously, low molecular weight acid phosphatases had been purified from human liver, 9,13) bovine liver, 3,14,15) rat liver, 16,17) porcine liver, 18) bovine heart, 19,20) brain, 21) human placenta 22) and human erythrocytes. 23) In all cases, the enzymes had molecular weights ranging between 14-18 kDa.Two distinct isoforms of low molecular weight acid phosphatase exist in rat liver (AcP1 and AcP2), human erythrocytes (B fast and B slow ) and human placenta (HCPTP-A and HCPTP-B) and these have also been isolated, characterized and sequenced. 17,24,25) The AcP1, B fast and HCPTP-A have been classified as IF-1 while AcP2, B slow , HCPTP-B, bovine heart PTPase and bovine liver PTPase as IF-2. IF-1 and IF-2 differ from each other in type specific sequence of the 40-73 regions, in substrate affinity and in the sensitivity to activators and inhibitors. 26) In our laboratory we have also purified and characterized these enzyme couples from chicken liver 27) and uromastix liver. 28) These differ in pyridoxal-5Ј-PO 4 inhibition, cGMP activation and some kinetic parameters. Both isoenzyme couples possess phosphotyrosine protein phosphatase activity. None of all enzymes (LM-ACP and HM-ACP) need metal ion for their activity.Another class of acid phosphatases called Zn ϩϩ -dependent acid phosphatases, exist in two forms of different molecular weight. 29,30) Zn ϩϩ -dependent acid phosphatases have also been isolated and characterized in the liver of different vertebrates.
31)This paper describes the purification and characterization of LM-ACP and HM-ACP from fish (Labeo rohita) liver and the resolution of the two low molecular weight isoenzymes (IF-1 and IF-2 types) by affinity chromatography on paminobenzyl phosphonic acid-agarose column.
MATERIALS AND METHODSMaterials L. rohita (common name Rohu) was captured from Indus river (N.W.F.P. Pakistan) and liver was excised immediately and stored at 4°C for use. para-Nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP), phenyl phosphate, flavin mononucleotide (FMN), phosphotyrosine and other substrates were purchased from Merk, Fluka and Sigma Chemical Co.; SDS molecular ...